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The information presented herein represents the view of the author as of the date of publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves the right to alter and/or update his opinion based on the new conditions, and the author is not obligated to update this information.

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We do not guarantee that any recommendation will meet your diet requirements, or that any reference to any food, beverage, or restaurant will match the description provided by us.  We do not assume any liability for any adverse reactions to food or beverages, or restaurants recommended.  Each user is solely responsible for determining his/her food and beverage choices.

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We provide guidance and clarification for rehabilitation prescriptions provided over the Internet and by other materials available our website.  This information and these materials are intended only to assist a licensed physician, chiropractor, physical therapist, certified athletic trainer, or other appropriately certified professional's physical rehabilitation recommendation efforts.   We are not a medical organization and cannot give you medical advice or diagnosis conditions.  If you experience any pain or discomfort,  or if you have  a change in medical condition, you should immediately seek appropriate medical attention.

5. Exercise Disclaimer

Not all exercise is suitable for everyone.  To reduce the risk of injury, consult your doctor before beginning this or any exercise program.  The instruction presented herein is in no way intended as a substitute for medical counseling.  If you have had a joint replacement or if you have osteoporosis, or any other special medical condition, follow all precautions.

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